CareersDirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Roads Specialist
The Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Road Specialist is responsible for the successful implementation and full administration of the Dirt, Gravel, and Low Volume Roads (DGLVR) Program and protecting the soil and water resources of Bradford County. The position requires that the person possesses or is willing to acquire knowledge of the Pennsylvania DGLVR Program. In addition, the DGLVR Specialist is responsible for education and outreach for the DGLVR Program. View Full Description -> |
West Nile Virus Coordinator
This is a technical position in the field of public health sanitation and vector control. Work primarily involves field identification, surveillance and control of mosquitoes. Work includes varied levels of communication with the public, specifically providing education in the form of presentations, articles and personal interaction, to reduce the burden of vector borne diseases. View Full Description -> |
Bradford County Conservation District
Stoll Natural Resource Center 200 Lake Road, Suite E | Towanda PA 18848 Phone: (570)-485-3144 |