This policy establishes the District’s procedures for meeting its obligations under the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law, which was revised in 2008. It applies to all requests for “public records.” This document establishes the framework within which the District will exercise its administrative discretion in the future. The District recognizes the value of making information available to the public, and is committed to continually improving public access to public information and fostering public participation in the decision-making process. The Office of Open Records may promulgate regulations setting forth different or additional requirements and procedures, and these should be consulted.
The District has designated the following person who shall serve as its Open Records Officer. All requests for public records are administered by the Open Records Officer. Requests should be directed to the Open Records Officer(s) at the following address:
Cathy Yeakel Agency Open Records Officer Bradford County Conservation District Stoll Natural Resource Center 200 Lake Road, Suite E Towanda, PA 18848 Phone: (570)-485-3144