There are a number of activities in Pennsylvania waterways, waterbodies, and wetlands that require PA DEP authorization and/or a Chapter 105 permit under Pennsylvania's Clean Streams Law to maintain safety and protect the public and environment. Encroachments, or sometimes considered obstructions, refer to any actions that alter the course, flow, or size of a watercourse, floodway, or waterbody, and are governed by Chapter 105 regulations. Many of these activities are covered under General Permits (GP) as long as they meet the requirements specified in each unique GP application.
The Conservation District is dedicated to serving individuals living and/or working within Bradford County by regulating the impact to stream, river, lake, pond, reservoir and wetland resources. We are able to do this through our delegation agreement with the PA Department of Environmental Protection, which authorizes our staff under Title 25 Chapter 105 Dam Safety and Waterway Management regulations to offer:
If you are looking to apply for a General Permit and don't know where to begin, call our office or stop in and we can assist you! |
Permitting StaffResources |
General Permit
Application Fee
GP-1 Fish Habitat and Enhancement Structures----------------------
GP-2 Small Docks and Boat Launching Ramps------------------------ GP-3 Bank Rehabilitation, Bank Protection and Gravel Bar Removal- GP-4 Intake and Outfall Structures------------------------------------- GP-5 Utility Line Stream Crossings------------------------------------- GP-6 Agricultural Crossings and Ramps------------------------------- GP-7 Minor Road Crossings--------------------------------------------- GP-8 Temporary Road Crossings--------------------------------------- GP-9 Agricultural Activities--------------------------------------------- GP-10 Abandoned Mine Reclamation----------------------------------- GP-11 Maintenance, Testing, Repair, Rehabilitation, or Replacement of Water Obstructions and Encroachments------------------------------ GP-15 Private Residential Construction in Wetlands- ----------------- |
$50 per project
$175 per dock/ramp $250 per project $200 per structure $250 per individual utility $50 per crossing/ramp $350 per crossing $175 per crossing $50 per project $500 per project $750 + (# acres temp. disturb. x $4,000) + (# acres perm. disturb. x $8,000) $750 + (# acres temp. disturb. x $4,000) + (# acres perm. disturb. x $8,000) |
Bradford County Conservation District
Stoll Natural Resource Center 200 Lake Road, Suite E | Towanda PA 18848 Phone: (570)-485-3144 |