A weekly blog for all things conservation
![]() By: Jonathan VanNoy, Natural Resource Specialist If I were to tell you to close your eyes and describe what comes to mind when you hear the word “wetland”, what would you describe? A stagnant, slimy waterbody? A grassy, soupy area with cattails? Maybe that lower field that you can only make hay on every few years? How about that special place that you love to hunt ducks, or trap muskrats? You may have an archery stand on the edge of a swamp that comes to mind. You might describe that spot in your woods that pools water each spring, and for one or two warm nights a year is just crawling with toads or salamanders as they congregate to lay masses of eggs. (Go to a local vernal pool, pond, swamp or wetland on a warm, spring evening and pull up a chair and just listen and watch. There is NOTHING that can compare to the sound you will hear if the frogs or toads have congregated!)
![]() By: Nathan Dewing, Agricultural Team Leader, Bradford County Conservation District Grazing season has arrived which means farmers and animals alike kick their heels in glee! Supplemental feeding in the pasture, barn, or barnyard is expensive, labor intensive and stressful, so all are relieved to see the animals get out onto green pastures again. Grazers, what is one step you can take this year to make your operation more efficient or productive? This is a good way to think about it. When you think about all the things you want to do, you may get overwhelmed and stuck. Selecting ONE allows progress. Let me suggest one to get you thinking. ![]() By: Miranda Neville, Agricultural Resource Specialist, BCCD As temperatures are getting warmer and summer is rapidly approaching, farmers are gearing up for hay season and farm kids are preparing for cow shows. Like a kid going off to summer camp with butterflies of excitement to meet up with friends, have new experiences and make hundreds of memories, so many farm kids (and adults) are getting those butterflies thinking about packing up the cattle trailers and heading out to the county fairs. In the farming world, the cow show circuit is not only a place for cattle breeders to show off their top genetic cows- it’s also a place where they can connect with each other and have an opportunity to educate the public, but most importantly to have fun! |
AuthorsVarious staff at the Bradford County Conservation District Archives
February 2025
Bradford County Conservation District
Stoll Natural Resource Center 200 Lake Road, Suite E | Towanda PA 18848 Phone: (570)-485-3144 |